Multiculturalism – Is it as good for our country as we think it is?

I have decided to write this post in light of recent events that unfolded in Woolwich and the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby. I have for a long time been opposed to the full scale multiculturalism that we have adopted in this country as I have stated in my previous posts, I think personally that it harms our economy and is not good for the grand scale of things in this country. Why people see this as being racist I have no idea? I don’t hate these cultures, I just don’t see the place they have in our society, these people we willingly let into our country have an obligation to learn the language, our customs and our way of life and do their best to adapt and to apply it in every day life. Quite frankly if they denounce the way we live and believe that the way they live their lives is superior and that we should adopt their traditions and laws, then they should be shown the door. I would expect the same for any English people that immigrate to live abroad, so why is it frowned upon for people that come to our country? Due to the delicate topic of Islam and Muslims, i’m going to choose my words very careful as to not offend anyone, so if you get offended by what I write in the final edition of this post then you are misunderstanding what i’am saying. I will clear it up now that normal(being the important word) Muslims are good people and pose no threat to the British people. It’s the extremists i’ve got beef with.

The one thing that I don’t understand with these radical extremists (not regular Muslims) is that if they hate the western world and culture so much, then why are they here and living in it? Why don’t they go back to their native land and live under the laws that they believe in? Why do they condemn the way we live our lives, the way we have ALWAYS lived our lives in our country before they were here? I can understand Indian’s and Pakistani people being in this country as we were the ruling sovereignty in their countries for many years, I have no beef with them, same with the Gurkha’s who have actually fought for this country and contributed to our society and are loyal to our Queen.  However, we need to draw the line somewhere. Which is why I feel so strongly about our border controls, we should have a system more like Australia. You need £3000 in your bank account so that you don’t run out of money and end up on benefits straight away and can support yourself and no criminal record. Neither should you have links to any extremist groups in ANY way shape or form and if found to have links whilst in this country, instant deportation. Scrap ECHR and the whole ‘i’m scared to go back to my country’ if there’s a chance we can stamp out extremism in this country then we should take it. All that should matter are the British people that lived here first and their liberties and freedom, not an immigrant who wasn’t born here and has no right to claim they should stay here.

The other thing that got me about these murderer’s in woolwich is what they said? ‘we will never stop fighting you’ well why aren’t they out in Afghanistan fighting the army out there? ‘you will never be safe’ I thought their war was with the British Armed Forces, not the British public? Quite clearly brainwashed by a radical cleric as they quite clearly haven’t thought it through properly and is quite obvious they were driving around in their car for some time before finally spotting a target, and after murdering the soldier waited to become martyr’s to their cause by trying to commit suicide by police, luckily the police showed restraint and only shot to wound.

My only question being, if we know we have extremists in this country, why do we do nothing about it and then complain when something like this happens? We need serious change in this country and we are not going to achieve it with the two main political parties as they are too ‘politically correct’ and worry about offending people too much. We need harsh measures to deal with harsh individuals, I re-iterate that we need to pull out of Europe and scrap the ECHR that dictates that we can’t deport these disgusting people. Look how long it is taking to get rid of Abu Qatada for example? Call me racist, call me what you want, but if you really want to see a change in this country and the war on terror then it is your duty to stand up for what is right and speak your voice! Not try and argue with each other, we need to stand together against this threat which is no longer just an outside interference, this is rooted into our society and we need to root it out. It’s as though these extremists are stuck in The Crusades.

It just seems weird to me that out of all the religions, Islam is the only one that seems to wage war with the rest of the world? There must be something in that Qur’an that can be misinterpreted? For example, you don’t see Christian extremists in a Muslim country saying ‘we need to wipe out eastern culture and their despicable way of life’ you know why? First of all it just wouldn’t happen because it’s fucking ridiculous and second of all they would probably be kicked out of the country maybe even sent to jail in that country? No one would bat an eyelid and I think that is wrong.

I’m not in any way opposed to different cultures to be brought to this country and for us to enjoy them, I just don’t believe in the sheer volume of people coming in, it’s good to have different cultures in our country to get views from every walk of life and I understand there are going to be conflicting opinions and views much like there are amongst our own people, we just need to find where to draw the line that is the point i’m trying to make.

British people in Britain come first. End of.

My condolences to Lee Rigby’s family and friends.


Britain’s Nuclear Deterrent : Should it stay or should it go?

I’m going to start very early on here and disclose to the reader that i’m in favour of Britain’s nuclear deterrent and it has been brought to my attention that like I have stated in one of my earlier posts, should Scotland gain independence from the UK what effects it could have on England? One thing that would go would be the nuclear deterrent as in the form of the Trident missiles on board the Vanguard submarines, why I might hear you ask? Mainly because the four Vanguards the Royal Navy possess are based in Clyde on the West coast of Scotland, and since the Scottish have no wish to have a nuclear deterrent, one can only guess they would be dismantled or even sold off back to America. Purely on the basis that it would cost far too much to relocate/ build a capable station to encompass these four submarines, it just wouldn’t happen in our current fiscal climate. Although we don’t have to worry about Scottish Independence until 2014 it’s coming around a lot faster than you think.

Trident II D-5

We must ensure that we keep Trident for the simple factor that we need the assurance that no foreign aggressors can create a crisis the UK can’t handle. It’s also good for the peace we can administer in the international community, having that kind of deterrent is useful in critical situations where we could potentially be bullied if we didn’t have it. One thing I quickly want to add, we haven’t heard much from the Iranian’s of late other than the supply of chemical weapons to Syria of course, makes you wonder what is going on behind the scenes? I always think it’s the one region to watch out for considering only a few years ago Ahmadinejad declared that ‘Israel needs to wiped from the face of the earth’. Poor old Israel, the Jews never seem to catch a break! Hated on all sides, Hezbollah in the north and Lebanon and the Palestinians in Gaza. Not that I defend Israel as they did displace the Palestinians in the first place.

This is what he thinks of Israel.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. I want to outline that just because the reason we got the deterrent in the first place has gone, the reason for keeping it is that it’s even more dangerous than it was before. At least in the cold war we knew who the enemy was and who to keep the missiles targeted at and where to have the pointed. Back in 1994 all missiles were de-targetted from Russia, due to the Soviet Union disbanding a few years earlier. Now the system is set so that the Trident missiles can be set and target a potential threat within 15 minutes, not having a specific location to target like back in the cold war.

The political climate is perceived as a lot less hostile in the current day then it once was, I personally think that’s a load of bollocks! Any number of countries still have an underlying threat and could switch at any given time. Even in some of the so called ‘safe’  countries, even UN Security Council members Russia are at risk. It wasn’t even that long ago that Chechen rebels flared up, not on the scale that you once heard about back in the 90’s but the threat is still there. Imagine if Chechen extremists  got their hands on some sort of nuclear material/ weapons? I don’t think for a second that the Russian’s wouldn’t handle it but all it takes is for one missile to be launched or a bomb to be detonated and you have an ever-lasting effect on the world, you only have to look at Yokohama and Nagasaki and imagine it in the ‘modern’ world. I don’t even need to mention the fact that the two Boston bombers are believed to have strong links to Chechnya, that is all you need to know.

Another thing to take into account is the Chinese. They have a foothold in Asia now as they are the biggest economy and driving force in the region. I understand that they are supporters of North Korea and would make it difficult to intervene should the situation escalate from the stage it’s at now. It’s weird how these massive nations continue to prop up these regimes who are clearly trying to instigate problems in the world, you could almost compare it to a child crying for attention, it’s quite pathetic if you think about it!!

India and Pakistan don’t escape this as well as yet again not long ago they were fighting over Kashmir as both lay claim to it and it only takes something major to kick off before they nuke each other and cause irreversible damage and ruin things in the region for years to come. This brings me back to the point of our importance in the EU, as we are the only NPT member other than France in the EU which is why we have the influence we do, and why we are a leading member in NATO as well. Not that we would shy away from our responsibilities within NATO or protecting nations from threat, but we will no longer be the nation they all look to. It’s also a good point to tie in with one of my previous posts of our importance to the US and our hold over Europe, if we were to lose our nuclear programme, it’s debatable the US would see much else we can offer them and would more than likely turn to France for some sort of partnership as they would become the major players in the EU and would have the influence.

Either way, even if we do manage to keep the Trident missiles they will have to be replaced in 2017 as they only have a life of 25-28 years and were made in ’92. So will be looking at a complete overhaul or whether they will even renew it, as we don’t know which government will be in power at the time!!

Where do we go from here?

I shall continue my Trident blog soon!